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do possums eat dog poop

do possums eat dog poop

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Possums are omnivorous animals, which means that they eat both plants and animals. While the majority of their diet consists of plant matter, they are known to eat small animals, carrion, and even dog feces on occasion.

What is a possum?

Possums are marsupials of the order Diprotodontia, suborder Phalangeriformes.[2] Possums are native to Australasia and the adjacent islands, while opossums are native to the Americas. A third group of marsupials, sometimes called pouched rats or rat-kangaroos, are also members of this suborder and include the genera Ailurops (“bear cat”), Hydromys (“water rat”), Macropus (“kangaroo rat”), Mesembriomys (“shaggy mouse”), Morrow’s mouse, Phalanger (“cuscus”), Setonix (“brush-tailed phascogale”) and Tarsomys (“soft-furred rat”).

What do possums eat?

Possums are omnivores, which means they will eat just about anything. Their diet consists of plants, fruits, vegetables, eggs, small animals and even garbage. Possums will opportunistically feed on carrion (dead animals) and are often seen near road kill. Possums are also known to eat dog feces if they come across it while foraging for food.

Do possums eat dog poop?

Possums are opportunistic eaters and will consume just about anything they come across, including dog feces. While most people view this as disgusting, possums actually help to keep our yards clean by eating the feces of other animals.

Why do possums eat dog poop?

A possum’s diet consist of mostly insects, snails, rats, and birds. However, possums are also opportunists and will eat just about anything that smells good to them. This includes dog food, cat food, and yes, even dog poop. While it may not be the most appetizing meal to us humans, possums seem to enjoy the taste of feces.

What are the benefits of eating dog poop for possums?

There are a few benefits that have been associated with eating dog poop for possums. One of these benefits is that it can help them to gain weight. Some people believe that the reason for this is because there is a high level of fat in dog poop. Another benefit is that it can help to keep their fur clean and free from mats.

Are there any risks associated with possums eating dog poop?

There are a few risks associated with possums eating dog poop, the most serious of which is the potential for contracting parasites or diseases. While possums are immune to many of the diseases that dogs can contract, they can still act as carriers for them. If you have any concerns about your dog’s health, always consult with a veterinarian.


Possums are often thought to be dirty animals because they will eat just about anything, including dog poop. However, possums are actually very clean animals. They have a special ability to clean themselves and will often groom themselves after eating.


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